🇪🇺 eu/acc is here to accelerate Europe through innovation, technology, and a Europe-positive mindset.
Follow us at @euacchq on X, at @euacc on Bluesky and on Linkedin
You are an investor (VC, Angel, etc) or a founder? Please participate to our Survey
We'll share the results with European Institutions
Europe is known for some of the best research in the world and the best talent. But Europe is not known for the best opportunities.
To change this we need to create an environment where founders can succeed.
A mindset shift across Europe, including European institutions.
Our goal is to enable Europe’s talent, founders and their teams to prepare the next chapter of European abundance and growth This requieres a bit of sweat, fixing and prep It’ll happen if we, Europeans, make it happen. S p e a k U p
What should be done?
From consumer markets, languages, laws, education systems, taxes, to funding – Europe acts like a network of small countries instead of one unified market.
To be a place where innovation can thrive, we don't need to become more American, we need to become more European. And the Euro is the proof that we can.
Also we need to be much faster an enforcing red-tape cutting laws, as many digitalization initiatives have been slow to see results, like directive 2019/1151 that aimed to digitalized company law, but that notaries (in Germany, Spain, Austria, etc) have watered down and led to near zero digitalization
It's not just about the laws, it's also how fast they are enforced and how administrations, politicians become fast and pro-growth, pro-founders.
It's about mindset shift
The goal of this project is to…
Highlight excellence – to shift the discussion from negative memes to our impressive realities
Showcase the actual problems – to unify the narrative of our requests to policymakers
Suggest few and simple solutions – to allow policy makers picking efforts with high leverage
Generate a mindset shift - The attitude towards founders, scientists and talent has to change in Europe, they need more support from politicians, administrations
eu/acc – by European founders, for European founders. Follow us at @euacchq on X
Imagine you are rational and nobody has bought your vote. Between notaries and tech founders (for example of Revolut, Spotify, Stripe, etc) According to you, who would be best to create the best digital tech investment user experience in the World, for Europe?
Wake up Europe, the digital age is bypassing you. You have no Google , Amazon, Meta, Apple. You arrogantly called SpaceX a fanciful dream and it wiped out the European Space Agency. You have no Nvidia and your response to AI has been to regulate before you have anything domestic…
Germany and Spain are complete nightmares. Will never invest in startups with those entities anymore. Germany: total bureaucracy, awful legal & notary process. Spain for strange & potentially prohibitive tax laws.
Like @pmarca , if you believe in founders, in their teams, in the youth of America and Europe Speak up! Let’s build together a bright future 🙌🏻☀️🇺🇸🇪🇺
Germany is the worst. Never investing there again. The notaries have totally ruined that system and the rest is terrible.
Simplify investing in European startups and
see a generation of ambition flourish
Y o u L i k e C h a n g e ? N e e d M o r e T H R I L L ? A M P L I F Y U S We’re cooking 🇪🇺 eu/acc Follow us, repost us, let’s change Europe together
Ceterum censeo: There are no "European startups". There are plenty national ones, trying to grow within Europe but face 27+ different markets, rules, regulations, social security, taxation, procurement, and not to mention least: fundings. #EUStartupsSummit #EUSS2024 #EUSSMalta
And success for Europe as a continent only works together as a whole. We are calling the movement eu/acc as a lot of the problems need to be solved at the EU level as it's the biggest block.
A standard entity for European startups acts like a platform for further standardization. Investment documents will be one of them. Stock options hopefully come soon after.
This has ripple effects down to every aspect of the startup ecosystem.
Our goal is not a centralized European government as this would be overreaching for this project.
They are lying. That's it.
They are not for European Startups.
They are most likely optimizing for local gains and local political wins.
This is not even good for their own <random region> startups.
European startups cannot succeed if there are several dozen different legal entities. There is no velocity without standardization. Everything else is just political powerplay.
FWIW - we agree. It sounds impossible. Imagine politicians agreeing on anything that's not their localized interest. 🤯
There are four reasons why it's worth a try:
- We managed it before and got a centralized currency across Europe.
- There were initiatives like this 10-15 years ago already and they only narrowly failed.
- If we don't, we are at risk of failing a whole generation of European startup founders.
- This is what the European Union was created for: removing friction for its citizens.
If you want to help, please amplify us on X, @euacchq , @euacc on Blue Sky and on Linkedin. tag us in comments to politicians and policymakers, help us increase the visibility of what we do.
Thank you . BV. @benvdv
– proudly made in Europe ❤️